friends & family

PINC & STEEL is more than just helping people after cancer, it is about giving hope, strength and courage.


physios &

PINC & STEEL is more than just helping people after cancer, it is about giving hope, strength and courage.



The PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation is dedicated to raise funds to support women and men who would not be able to access our cancer rehabilitation services in Australia without financial assistance.

The PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation is currently seeking funding to be able to support the growing number of people in Australia needing financial support to access essential cancer rehabilitation services. We currently have a waiting list for funding and our funding allocation system ranks women and men with the greatest financial and physical need on a regional basis.

The physical need is determined by the type of surgery, the type of cancer treatments, presence of any post-operative complications and/or pre-existing musculoskeletal problems and whether there has been a medical referral.
The financial need is determined by the combined household income, the number of dependent children, and whether you have had to stop working.
Each region has their own separate waiting lists, which is determined by the funding available in that region.
Please fill in the FUNDING FORM if you live in Australia and would like to go on a waiting list for funding to be able to participate in a cancer rehabilitation program.  All our services can be accessed by using medicare or other health insurance funding. 

Move Over Cancer T-Shirt

Women's and Men’s Move Over Cancer T-shirts are white and black and come in all sizes

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365 Survive to Thrive Journal

Helps motivate, encourage and support women to start on a path to recovery and good health